At Wansdyke School, we have a successful and active pupil-led INSPIRE Council.
Aims and Objectives
- To provide the opportunity for pupils to become partners in their own education and to make a positive contribution to the school environment and ethos.
- To develop and promote children’s self-confidence, social skills and their responsible behaviour towards each other and towards their teachers and adult members of staff.
- To develop the pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding of how to contribute to society as a whole and what it means to be an active citizen.
- To develop pupils effective speaking and listening skills.
- To develop the pupils’ recognition of themselves as worthwhile individuals with a right to be heard.
- To allow the children to have a “voice” and to share their opinions and ideas with others.
- To allow children to become more responsible and actively involved in the decision-making process of the school.
Key information
The council is made up of children in Years 1 – 6 and Rainbow, with 2 councillors representing each class. In the meetings, we disseminate and share ideas, whilst also working on a specific aim. Every other week they meet together with Mr Heard and Mrs Bolwell to share and discuss the contributions from their class. School Councillors represent their class for ½ of the year.
INSPIRE Council’s current aim is to:
Raise awareness of mental health in the school and promote acts of kindness
During the year, the children have:
Organised activities for Children in Need
Raised money for wet-play resources
Held class cake sales