

Good attendance is 96% or above.  This has a positive impact on a child’s opportunities for progress and attainment. Between 91% and 95% attendance will be closely monitored. 90% or below is classed as ‘persistent absence’ and school attendance meetings will be convened to address this. 


Please see the updated guidance on holidays during term time:



Illness/ Appointments

Taking your children out of school in the middle of the day for appointments is disruptive to your child, the class and the teacher. We understand at times children will need to attend emergency appointments and sometimes it is not possible to choose a time, such as attending hospital or for exams.

However, we ask that routine appointments are arranged outside of the school day wherever possible.

Copies of appointment letters from hospitals or exam bodies should be send with the request for absence. If you child is sick then we follow Public Health England guidelines regarding the period that a child needs to be kept from school. Please follow the guidance below.

Click here for information about infection control

Unauthorised Absences

Wiltshire Council information about penalty notices for unauthorised leave of absence during term time. Section 444A and section 444B of the Education Act 1996 give powers to the Local Authority (LA) to issue Penalty Notices where the parent/carer is considered capable of but unwilling to secure an improvement in their child’s school attendance.

Click here to view an FAQ document on unauthorised absences 

Click here to see our attendance policy