Wraparound Care
Breakfast club starts at 7.35am every school day and is led by Mrs Sainsbury (wrap-around care lead) with assistance from Mrs Clarke and Mrs Groffman.
We have capacity for 40 children. Due to staff:pupil ratios we need to have sufficient notice to ensure we are staffed correctly. We therefore ask that sessions are pre-booked at least one day in advance through ParentMail (by Friday Midday latest for Monday sessions).
Spaces cannot be guaranteed and so booking should be completed as far in advance as possible. Cost is £4per day which includes breakfast and drink. Children take part in a wide variety of games/activities.
After school club is held each day from 3:15 to 5:30pm. This will be run by two of our teaching assistants and a snack will be available. Parents need to pre-pay and book sessions via Parentmail.
For new parents, we are unable to set up Parentmail until children are first registered in school. You will receive login details, but in the meantime you can book a session for that week through the office. A registration form must be filled out before your child can attend the session and this is available on the link below or from the Office.
The provision is in two sessions: 3:15 to 4:30pm and, if required, a further session from 4:30pm to 5:30 pm. You can book just session one, or both sessions on Parentmail and each session is £4.00.