

At Wansdyke School we believe that the learning of a foreign language provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for our pupils. 

It helps them to develop communication skills including key skills of speaking and listening and extends their knowledge of how language works.  Learning another language gives the children a new perspective on the world encouraging them to understand their own cultures and those of others.


There is a statutory requirement for children in KS2 to learn a foreign language.  At Wansdyke, children entering KS2 should have a basic foundation in French learning due to the provision provided in EYFS and KS1.  There is no statutory requirement for children in EYFS or KS1 to learn a foreign language.  However, we believe at Wansdyke that, the younger the child learns another language, the more confident they will become in speaking it.  We also believe that leaning another language has beneficial effects on the learning of one’s own language as children start to see patterns and spot similarities/differences between their native tongue and the foreign language they are learning.

Teaching in KS1 focuses on key language and happens informally.  In KS2 the Southend scheme of work is followed.  Overviews of learning in Languages and a series of Knowledge Organiser booklets are being developed to record and structure the learning throughout Key Stage 2.  Recording of Language in the EYFS is through photographic evidence in children’s Learning Journeys on ‘Tapestry’ and in KS1 on the app, ‘Seesaw’. 

The focus language taught in our school is French.  The children learn about other cultures and languages during the annual European Day of Languages in September.  We also enjoy taking part in the cluster languages day in the summer where we participate in language activities with children from other primary schools in the cluster.


Children at Wansdyke School are encouraged to understand the relevance of what they are learning in languages and how it relates to everyday life, work and travel.  It is emphasised how the language could help them in another country or to talk to a French speaker, both now and in their future careers. 

Teachers foster an enjoyment of languages through a variety of lessons including interactive, singing and outdoor lessons. Progression through a topic should be evident in the development of key skills and acquisition of main vocabulary. Evidence is kept of children’s work in books/knowledge organisers, through recordings (Seesaw) and photos (also Seesaw).

French is monitored by the subject leader throughout all year groups in Key Stage 2 using a variety of strategies such as book scrutinies, ‘Seesaw’ scrutinises, lesson observations, staff discussions and pupil questionnaires.  Feedback is then given to teachers at staff meetings.


Page Downloads Date  
Languages Policy 17th Mar 2021 Download
Wansdyke Languages Overview 07th Mar 2022 Download