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At Wansdyke, it is our aim that children leave the school with a deep understanding of all areas within mathematics, being able to confidently access the content presented in their secondary education. We have high expectation and ambition for all our children, and want them all to achieve their full potential in maths during their time at Wansdyke School. We hold the belief that every child can successfully master the ideas within their year group’s curriculum. We hope to cultivate a culture of enjoyment and confidence in learning mathematics from the pupils and staff, valuing its importance within school and the wider world. Also to develop a deep conceptual understanding of mathematical principles within our children. It is our hope to promote skills such as arithmetic proficiency, creativity and mathematical reasoning and consistency within mathematics lessons in the school.
The school uses the 2014 National Curriculum and EYFS Curriculum for directing the teaching of mathematics. The school will be using ‘Power maths’, which has been written to deliver the National Curriculum objectives, providing a robust and well-rounded curriculum. The scheme of work is focussed around a mastery approach to Mathematics where children are exposed to the same year group objective, with sufficient support and challenge to cater for all learners. The scheme is written around the three main mathematical concepts: fluency, reasoning and problem solving in the aim to ensure pupil master the different year group objectives. Teachers have high expectations through teaching to the appropriate yearly objectives and set work appropriate to the needs of the children in their class. The structure of the lessons are carefully considered, with representations and models used to aid understanding and varied examples to fully expose the underlying structure. Teachers use episodic lesson structure to build up ideas slowly and use assessment during regular independent practice. Material from supporting schemes such as ‘White Rose’ and ‘Maths No Problem’ are used to augment the independent work within a lesson. Opportunities for returning to, and expanding on prior knowledge and making explicit links is essential to allow concepts to enter the long-term memory.
We expect the outcomes for children within the school to remain strong in every year group. Through the carefully structured curriculum and high quality teaching, we have already delivered results above national in every phase within the school. Children at Wansdyke enjoy and engage with mathematics because they experience success and support to achieve. It is our aim that the outcomes within maths will continue to be above the National average and that we achieve the vision set out in our intent statement.